For As Long As Health Is In The Air, Choose ZoneAir!

Good health depends on the air you breathe. The ZoneAir System ensures that the air you breathe is clean, sanitized, and pure. Modern science also recognizes the importance of breathing clean, pure, fresh air. Particularly now when there is so much concern about airborne viral pathogens.

ZoneAir has conducted extensive research on how to ensure safe air in our buildings without the inconvenience and dangers of masks, noisy machinery, and noxious chemicals. We have built and tested a system that can ensure the safety of our children, employees, patients, and family. Why? Because the right to breathe clean air is a fundamental human right.

Air quality systems are designed to improve the air quality in a space by removing contaminants from the air. ZoneAir is committed to providing quality products and services that meet and exceed our customer’s expectations. Contact ZoneAir today at 731-632-3400 to learn more about our innovative air quality solutions.

Partnering With Modern Technology To Make Breathing Safer

R & D

Decades of R&D $30 M spent, has generated substantial portfolio of intellectual property.

Designed Smart

On-board programming monitors and controls the ZoneAir system. Alerting us when a problem has occurred.

Human Powered

Your systems are our passion. Daily a one of our team members will review your devices.

24/7 remote monitoring

Using IOT (internet of things) & big data analytics. We monitor the heart beat of device. Making sure it works properly for years to come.

Commitment To Excellent Air Quality

It’s no secret that clean air benefits human health and the environment. ZoneAir is committed to providing its customers with the most advanced and efficient products available. The company’s research and development team is constantly exploring new ways to improve its products and develop new technologies. ZoneAir’s products are backed by a dependable team who are available to provide support and advice.

The ZoneAir Overview

Bring The Fresh Outdoors Into The Classroom With ZoneAir!

The importance of indoor air quality in classrooms has come into sharp focus due to COVID19. Poor indoor air quality can not only lead to health problems for students and staff but can also contribute to the spread of viruses like COVID19. Sickness can spread quickly through a school, leading to absenteeism and lost learning time.

Indoor air quality (IAQ) in school classrooms can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of students and teachers alike. Poor IAQ can cause a variety of health problems, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and irritated eyes, nose, and throat. It can also exacerbate existing conditions such as asthma and allergies.

There are several things that schools can do to improve indoor air quality, including ensuring that ventilation systems are up to par and regularly maintained, using room air sanitizers, and keeping the indoor environment clean and free of clutter.

ZoneAir room air sanitizers help create a healthy and safe learning environment for all. Room air sanitizers can help schools by reducing the spread of illness, improving attendance, and creating a healthier learning environment. ZoneAir room air sanitizers can help create an environment where students can learn and succeed.

ZoneAir Technologies Approval by State of Tennessee Department of Education

On Nov. 18, 2021, Benard Blasingame presented ZoneAir PowerPoint by Zoom to Jay Klein, Director of Legislative Affairs, and his assistant Charlie Bufalino. Mr. Klein started meeting stating that his department did not make recommendations for specific products or technologies.

They reviewed and then determined if the product or technologies qualified for specific funding for a State of Tennessee Department of Education, more specifically the current Stimulus funding allocated for the State Department of Education.

Mr. Klein also said that after they had reviewed the product or technologies and determined that it was within guidelines of the requirement for funding, then should a State entity make a request for funding then his department would approve the product or technology.

Air Sanitizers In Hospitals — Better Air Quality, Guaranteed

There are many different areas in your hospital where air quality is critical for your patients’ health. Air sanitizers are essential in hospitals to keep the air clean and free of harmful bacteria and viruses. To protect the health of both patients and staff, hospitals rely heavily on infection control.

In hospitals, Air Quality is of critical importance because viruses and contaminants can be transferred through the respiratory system. Poor indoor air quality can lead to the spread of infection and illness. ZoneAir offers air sanitizing solutions to improve indoor air quality, by helping to remove contaminants from the air.

Indoor Air Quality And The Workplace

Better Air Quality Starts With ZoneAir!

Are your employees getting sick at work? Provide a comfortable, healthy, and safe environment in the workplace so that people can breathe easier and get their jobs done!

In an effort to be more energy-efficient, many offices now have poor air circulation and windows that cannot even be opened. Some commercial buildings and offices have obsolete ventilation systems that eventually move dirty air from one part of the building to another.

Pollution from smoke, dust, and pollen will settle on fans, batteries, and ducts when outdoor air enters the ventilation system. In addition, unreplaced clogged commercial air filters trap both indoor and outdoor air pollutants. Indoor air quality can be much worse than outdoor air quality.



Office Environments

Healthcare Facilities


Long-Term Care


Breathe Better With ZoneAir! Contact Us Today!

Learn how ZoneAir can help protect your children, employees, and patients! ZoneAir offers a wide range of products tailored to different environments to improve air quality! For questions or comments, contact us today at 731-632-3400.

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